Инат– entêtement (m), obstination (f), opiniâtreté (f) Твърдоглавие– entêtement (m), obstination (f), opiniâtreté (f), ténacité (f) Pourquoi ils ne les distinguent-ils pas? Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInWhatsAppTelegramTumblrPinterestLike this:Like Loading... Свързани
Parce qu’ils ne souffrent pas de la maladie d’esprit obstiné, à la différence de toi. 😉
Did you try checking in English as well?
твърдогла̀вие и твърдогла̀вство ср., само ед.; твърдогла̀вщина ж., само ед. pig-/bull-headedness; obstinacy, stubbornness, doggedness, piggishness.
ина̀т м., само ед. разг. 1. obstinacy, stubbornness, wilfulness, pigheadedness, mulishness, cussedness; правя нещо на ~ на някого do s.th. out of spite for s.o., do s.th. to spite s.o., do s.th. in defiance of s.o.; 2. като прил. неизм. obstinate, stubborn, mulish, pig-headed, self-willed, wilful, refractory, obdurate, cussed, stiff-necked; ~ като магаре as stubborn as a mule.
So it seems that, whatever distinction you’re trying to draw, you’re pretty much stuck. 😛
The fact that a dictionary announces:
1 прил. naked, nude (и бот., зоол.);
does not mean there is no distinction between naked and nude
same applies to:
single-minded and stubborn, I guess