한국말 -Korean language Today I decided to overcome my fears of hieroglyphs by starting playing with a language...
There is music which pulls you up and music which pulls you down. [after correction]Há música que te...
Adverbs in Romance Languages
I decided to post this e-mail from Psi, cuz I think it’s worth seeing from other lang-geeks ^_^...
Gradus Comparationis Adiectivi in Familia Slavoni
Old Bulgarian: It is formed by adding the suffix –jьs and –jes to the root, which can be...
Irregular Grades of Romance Adjectives
You can find the original outlook at gradus-comparationis-irregularis.doc. My self-study book of Portuguese is about to teach me...
1st Half
Hoy he pasado los primeros 20 lecciones de mi libro por estudiar portugués. Aujourd’hui j’ai fini les premiers...
Conseils Pour Vivre Heureux
Aujourd’hui j’ai acheté deux livres en français- un course pratique de grammaire (en russe) et un livre pour...
Tagalog Verbs- HELP!!!
This is a horror!!! I can’t understand all these prefixes I see everywhere,,,,in the regular grammars I have...
Выучи Сам Русски
Я только что приключил с моей книгой „Teach Yourself Russian“(bg edition) . Я долго ждал начать изучение русского...
Мой Первый Пост по Русски
Сегодня я весь день был дома. Я занимался с моей книгой „Выучи сам Русский“ и я почти закончил...