There is music which pulls you up and music which pulls you down. [after correction]Há música que te eleva e música que te derruba. Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInWhatsAppTelegramTumblrPinterestLike this:Like Loading... Свързани
Yes, you guessed – here I am with my Portuguese points. 😉
– Há música que extorque-te […]
Because of que, you must place the oblique pronoun before the verb, not after it.
As for extorque, that’s a form of the verb extorquir, and it doesn’t really make sense here, since that means ‘to extort’, ‘to blackmail’. Did you really mean that verb?
I’d have translated the first part of the sentence as Há música que te eleva, using the verb elevar, ‘to lift (up)’, ‘to elevate’.
– […] e música que desmorona-te abaixo.
Same thing for this te having to be before the verb because of que.
Desmoronar in this context sounds a bit odd – that’s a verb you usually use for constructions, buildings, etc., or even, figuratively, for countries and kingdoms. Desmoronar abaixo doesn’t work either, because in Portuguese you don’t usually add directional / positional adverbs when the movement / placement is already implicit in the verb; since desmoronar already implies ‘to tumble down‘, reinforcing it with abaixo sounds awkward.
The exact distinction between e.g. baixo, abaixo, embaixo and para baixo sometimes blurs – we even discussed that at UniLang once, and we couldn’t really agree much on anything other than some cases being a matter of what sounds good and what doesn’t. 🙁 Sure, there are situations where the use is fixed and straightforward as well. But this is beyond the point anyway…
I’d have translated this second part as e música que te derruba, with the verb derrubar, ‘to throw (down)’, ‘to knock (down)’.
thanks ^_^ unfortunately, I still cannot guess the exat meaning of the verb the dictionary is proposing me…
So I can only guess how much stupid lines like this I’ve written in the other translation ^_^
Don’t worry too much – that extorquir was a very rare case of communication being disrupted. 🙂