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Only in recognition of our sin we become human
He who seeks to speak purely, must think purely
The chillier the roots of knowledge, the sweeter is its fruit
(was this any good? thought I should try to interprete… 🙂 )
You´ve got the last two 😛
How did the first one come to your mind, though?
Hm… just guessing: „umi“=reason, mind, recognition
„reci“=was hesitating between „speech“ and „mistake“…
umět=be able 😉
Only in our ability to speak/err we become human?
Колкото езици говори човек, толкова пъти е човек 😀
🙂 We are humans as many times as the number of languages we speak.
And, if we have to be precise {of course we have !^^}, the other two would be rather:
He who wants to speak beautiful, must think beautiful.
Learning has a bitter root, but a sweet fruit.
Of course!
(I thought it was „bitter“ 😉 otherwise it would not correspond to „sweet“, yet I had posted the first comment already…)