You may probably have understood from your first year here that your classes are highly insufficient (as time) and most of the work should be done by yourselves at home. But you have to get used to it because next levels of educations suppose a laerning based on self-made researches and personal-focused issues. And, moreover, till the end of life studying is a lonely activity.
Paraphrased part of Yaneva’s little speech with which our course of Classical Greek Syntax started
Смисълът на речта й беше, не че ученето е самотно занимание, а че е нужно да работим и сами върху нещата.
М..не, тя си наблегна върху това, аз иначе едва ли бих го запомнил.
When I studied Architecture, the professors had a similar (and really welcome) approach. When I changed to Language and Literature, though, gosh, what a bore… The type of teachers who think you’re supposed to sit there in class and learn as much as you can from them and them alone. You should see the face of one of my teachers when, after skipping classes for nearly two months (because of my job schedule), I managed to study on my own and get a 10 in the first test. 😀 It was almost as if she couldn’t believe that was possible without her.
I’ve never known about your Architectuer studies =P
Hm,there’re teachers like those who you meantion, but I think they cannot be met in the Columbraium…
I had a math assistant who (during our 1st class) explained how great maths is and how funny it can be. She tried to convince me that solving mathg problems is a way to make friends even boyfriends. She says that this exact science can turn into a life for any of us. We shoul devote our time to improve our communication with integrals and therefore become happy.
What will you say now? 😀
I’ll slap my forehead.
Yep, after around two and a half years I exchanged BArch for BA. 😛 Attending the Architecture and Urbanism course was actually the reason why I moved to Londrina in 98. Then I quit, took a new set of entrance examinations for both Computer Science and Literature, passed both, and ended up picking the latter.
It was during the Architecture course that Letícia and I met, by the way. She also quit, though, and got a BA in Business Office Administration.
Kогато човек учи от книги, също ли е lonely?
Може да се каже, че е разговор 🙂
За мен само разговорът с личност(и) (дори когато е без думи) е не-lonely. И пак изключително зависи от отсрещната страна.