This is something I noticed while searching for the new words in my Latin dictionary from the passage of Ovid I was preparing for Tuesday .
left- laevus- ляв(<лѣвъ ?)- (de) link
left<leave*-(de) lassen- (no) levne – λείπω- (lat) laxo,1 [>fr. laisser]
O.E. læfan „to let remain, remain, bequeath,“ from P.Gmc. *laibijan (cf. O.Fris. leva „to leave,“ O.S. farlebid „left over“), causative of *liban „remain,“ (cf. O.E. belifan, Ger. bleiben, Goth. bileiban „to remain“), from root *laf- „remnant, what remains“ (see life, live), from PIE *lip-/*leip-. The Gmc. root has only the sense „remain, continue,“ which also is in Gk. lipares „persevering, importunate.“ But this usually is regarded as a development from the primary PIE sense of „adhere, be sticky“ (cf. Lith. lipti, O.C.S. lipet „to adhere,“ Gk. lipos „grease,“ Skt. rip-/lip- „to smear, adhere to.“ Seemingly contradictory meaning of „depart“ (1225) comes from notion of „to leave behind“ (as in to leave the earth „to die;“ to leave the field „retreat“). From Etymology online.
Тот, кто красиво говорит и обладает привлекательной наружностью, редко бывает истинно человечен
К сожалению я не понимал почему Вы написали это.
Или просто он сам редко бывает истинно человечен?
Богатство ассоциаций не всегда свидетельствует о богатстве воображения