I am almost ready for the summer… Yesterday I bought a notebook. Every summer I buy or get a notebook, or something like that, where I can put down what’s in me…or at least wher eI can write the lessons form a(/the) self-study book(s) I have taken with me.
This summer I’ll try to accomplish the first volume of Assimil’s L’hebreu moderne sans peine; I still wonder whether to print the Assimil’s Le serbo-croate sans peine; moreover, I finally got the book with exercises in Romanian, which I had found one year ago =} I still doubt that it was a good decision to take it now,,, at least I feel as not so interesting to revise Romanian at that time… but who knows =P It seems that I will put Finnish in the more distant future, as my feeling of guilt for not having learned Turkish well is arising. And I still have not dived in the Book with Texts nad Exercises

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