Cassiani Institutiones Coenobitorum et de Octo vitiorum principalium remediis (collatio translationum)

On this day, 23 July, 435 AD dies John Cassian – one of the key authors of Christian Eastern ascetic tradition, who has actually planted it first in Gaul, Marseilles, thus giving a rise of monasticism in Western Europe. More details about his life (with references) are available in Wikipedia.

John Cassian’s most famous and praised work is without doubt his 24 Conferences with the Egypt fathers. Before this opus, though, he has composed other works, among which are the Coenobitic Institutions and against the Eight Principle Vices.

Here’re some of the places online where the Institutes can be found and read.

  • Bibliothek der Kircheväter (German, Sämmtliche Schriften des ehrwürdigen Johannes Cassianus : erster Band / aus dem Urtexte übers. von Antonius Abt. (Bibliothek der Kirchenväter, 1 Serie, Band 59), Kempten 1879.)

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