
Probably I really should go back to the basics. And this would mean I should start writing this blog again in English, mostly because of the people abroad who are otherwise condemned to stare lines of unreadable letters. Sigh, though in this case the question about the language of the post would basically tear me apart. Anyway, I shall post in Portuguese and Polish sometimes, just to make the fun bigger 🙂 After all, I am a PhD student and I gotta write! And I shall.

So, winter finally came. Snow is everywhere and it felt great to stroll in such a weather. The last real exam month is about to start. What’s confusing me is that this time the litterary exam seems to be the most interesting one (having in mind that I have two other exams on linguistic subjects as part of the linguistic profile I joined).
It’s great to read books, especially, in my case, modern literature of your own country, but you always reach this point where you have just enough of it. Usually, in such moments, I just start doing something else for some time – alas, there’re enough languages to hang around with. But the problem is that sooner or later you have enough of this, too…


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